Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Taking DUI To A New Level

The Sun reports this morning that cops boarded a Virgin Atlantic Airbus A340 Saturday that was preparing for departure, breathalyzed the pilot and led him off in cuffs to the horror of more than 300 passengers. The flight VS003 was slated to depart for New York on Saturday morning.

It is said in the article that the BAC level for pilots is 9 mcg/100ml as compared to the driving level of 35 mcg/100 ml. However, I checked that and I believe that there is a typographical error. According to my best information the driving level in the UK is 80 mg/100 ml or .08 per cent BAC.

Any way you slice it a tilted pilot is in the wrong line of work. Scratch one $150,000 a year job.


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